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Rod Maintenance


How do I clean my Daiwa rod's?
There is no defined 'service' procedure for a fishing rod however we would recommend removing the reel and cleaning the rod with a damp rag after each use to ensure all saltwater residue has been removed. Dry the rod immediately to remove excess moisture. Once surface contaminants have been removed, the blank and guides can be wiped down with with a thin layer of a synthetic lubricant such as CRC High Performance Multilube Gel to prevent any surface corrosion and/or deterioration from occurring.

My rod has broken, what do I do?
If you feel that the breakage occurred through no fault of the user then the rod should be returned to Daiwa New Zealand for a Warranty Claim. Products being sent for Warranty Assessment must be returned to the retailer from which they were originally purchase. Proof of purchase must be provided.

Can my rod be repaired?
Generally the answer is no. Certainly if the blank is cracked or broken then there is nothing that can be done to repair this issue and the rod is generally rendered useless. If the break is very close to the tip then a new tip guide may be fitted however it will change the action of the rod and Daiwa New Zealand cannot be held responsible for subsequent implications.

I broke a guide on my rod?
Rod Guides can be fitted by numerous tackle stores and rod builders throughout New Zealand however any warranty could be subsequently void dependent on the work carried out. If in doubt please contact our service department.

What does my rod warranty cover?
Daiwa New Zealand’s rod warranty covers manufacturing fault's and/or defects for 1 year from time of purchase. This is an area that confuses a lot of people but it can be simplified by asking yourself, what has caused the problem with my rod. As a general rule, rod breakage is very rarely due to a manufacturing fault or defect from factory - in fact instances are well below 1%. All rod issues will of course be happily assessed by our Service Department but cannot be assessed or determined by anyone other than Daiwa New Zealand.


  • Do clean your rod after each and every use.
  • Do store your rods safely in a vertical, out of the way position, preferably in a designated rod rack.
  • Do use rod bags and rod tubes, particularly when travelling and/or in transit in a car or plane.
  • Do remember the use for which your rods were intended, some are designed for big fish and some are not.
  • Do carry your rod butt first when walking through bush or snag ridden areas. 


  • Don’t store your rods in places of use and thoroughfare where they could get bumped or knocked.
  • Don’t store your rods in a bent or loaded position, especially in a high heat environment such as the back of a car. Rods can become permanently bent in this situation.
  • Don’t ever leave your rods lying on the ground.
  • Don’t use your rod to retrieve a hook or lure from a tree or a snag.
  • Don’t use your rod for purposes for which they were not intended.
  • Don’t bend your rod by hand but rather load your rod only with the line running through the guides and at a loaded angle of no more than 60 degrees.